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Now that your application has been accepted, you are eligible for membership in the Grange. As a member, you will pay dues, either on an automatic payment plan with 12 equal monthly payments or in a single annual payment. You will gain access to all the benefits and features of membership listed below your specific membership option. We are so very pleased to welcome you and look forward to seeing you soon.
and Welcome!
Join: List
Choose the payment plan appropriate for you
Junior App Fee
1$ÂApplication fee for children 5-13Â- All Junior applicants are accepted
- Don't forget to submit application and select dues plan
- Recognition in National and State Grange publications
Youth App Fee
5$ÂFor 14- to 23-year-olds as of Jan. 1 of the payment yearÂ- Upon approval, covers welcome materials from State Grange
- Plus new member materials from Jefferson Grange
- Refundable if your application is not accepted
Individual App Fee
7.50$ÂFor individuals 14 and older who wish to joinÂ- Pay after submitting application online or in person
- Covers Welcome Kit from State Grange
- Plus new welcoming material from Jefferson Grange
- Refundable if your application is not accepted
Associate App Fee
20$ÂApplication Fee for Supportive Individuals and BusinessesÂ- Pay after submitting application online or in person
- Refundable if your application is not accepted
Junior Dues/Year
12$Every yearFraternal membership for individuals age 13 and youngerÂ- Fun activities and projects with other kids in your area
- Ability to enter any local, state or national contests
- Access to attend PA State Junior Grange camp
- Mentoring and age-specific programming
- Recognition in National and State Grange publications
- Supportive individuals who will assist with service projects
- National magazine subscription and chance to submit content
- A nationwide network of peers with similar values
- ACT NOW: Add free Charter Member plan for extra recognition
Youth Dues/Mo.
2$Every monthFor dependents age 14 to 23 year olds (as of Jan. 1)Â- Mentoring and age-specific programming and events
- Member-specific scholarship and leadership opportunities
- Recognition in National and State Grange publications
- A nationwide network of peers with similar values
- Save everyday with various Grange member benefits
- Subscription to State and National magazines
- ACT NOW: Add free Charter Member plan for extra recognition
Youth Dues/Year
24$ÂFor dependents age 14 to 23 year olds (as of Jan. 1)Â- Save with one-time payment of annual dues
- Mentoring and age-specific programming and events
- Full voice and vote in all local Grange meetings
- Member-specific scholarship and leadership opportunities
- A nationwide network of peers with similar values
- Access to attend PA Grange Youth Camp
- Mentoring and age-specific programming and events
- Save everyday with various Grange member benefits
- Subscription to State and National magazines
- Recognition in National and State Grange publications
- ACT NOW: Add free Charter Member plan for extra recognition
Individual Dues/Mo.
5$Every month12 equal payments for Fraternal Adult Individual membersÂ- Affordable equal payments over 12 months
- Peace of mind knowing your dues are on auto-pay
- Full voice and vote in all local Grange meetings
- Ability to enter any local, state or national contests
- Career and personal skill development opportunities
- A nationwide network of peers with similar values
- Access to attend PA Grange Youth Camp
- Recognition in National and State Grange publications
- Discounted registration for many Grange events
- Subscription to State and National magazines
- Save everyday with various Grange member benefits
- ACT NOW: Add free Charter Member plan for extra recognition
Individual Dues/Year
60$Every yearOne-time annual payment for annual Adult Fraternal duesÂ- Save with one-time payment of annual dues
- Full voice and vote in all local Grange meetings
- Career and personal skill development opportunities
- National and State contests and programs to showcase talents
- Invitation to PA Family Festival and other fellowship events
- Discounted registration for many Grange events
- Save everyday with various Grange member benefits
- A nationwide network of peers with similar values
- Recognition in National and State Grange publications
- Subscription to State and National magazines
- ACT NOW: Add free Charter Member plan for extra recognition
Family Dues/Mo.
10$Every month12 equal payments for Family plan duesÂ- Affordable equal payments over 12 months
- Peace of mind knowing your dues are on auto-pay
- Plan offers savings on memberships for dependents
- Each member may participate fully in Grange meetings
- Recognition in National and State Grange publications
- National and State contests and programs to showcase talents
- Discounted registration for various Grange events
- Career & personal development and scholarship opportunities
- Save everyday with various Grange member benefits
- A nationwide network of peers with similar values
- Invitation to PA Family Festival and other fellowship events
- Subscription to State and National magazines
- ACT NOW: Add free Charter Member plan for extra recognition
Family Dues/Year
120$Every yearOne-time annual payment for FamiliesÂ- Save with one-time payment of annual dues
- Save on memberships of 14-22 year olds in your household
- Recognition in National and State Grange publications
- Each member may participate fully in Grange meetings
- National and State contests and programs to showcase talents
- Discounted registration for various Grange events
- Invitation to PA Family Festival and other fellowship events
- Save everyday with various Grange member benefits
- A nationwide network of peers with similar values
- Subscription to State and National magazines
- ACT NOW: Add free Charter Member plan for extra recognition
- Career & personal development and scholarship opportunities
Ind. Associate/Mo.
15$Every monthSupportive membership opportunity for individualsÂ- Early notice of Jefferson Grange events and event discounts
- Pride to know you are supporting all our good work
- Reduced registration fee for other events
- Recognition in National and State Grange publications
- Save everyday with various Grange member benefits
- Subscription to National & State Grange quarterly magazines
- Window cling identifying you as a Jefferson Grange Associate
- Additional opportunities for partnership and recognition
- ACT NOW: Add free Charter Member plan for extra recognition
Ind. Associate/Year
175$Every yearSupport our good work without having to attend meetings!Â- Save with one-time payment of annual dues
- Early notice of Jefferson Grange events and event discounts
- Pride to know you are supporting all our good work
- Reduced registration fee for other events
- Recognition in National and State Grange publications
- Save everyday with various Grange member benefits
- Window cling identifying you as a Jefferson Grange Associate
- Subscription to National & State Grange quarterly magazines
- Additional opportunities for partnership and recognition
- ACT NOW: Add free Charter Member plan for extra recognition
Business Assoc./Mo.
30$Every monthSupport our good work and cash in on great discounts!Â- Two free ads/year in our monthly e-newsletter to members
- Access to various money-saving Grange benefits
- 60% dues refund for businesses that offer member discounts
- Business name listed as Associate member on our website
- Early notice & discounted vendor rates at Grange event
- Recognition in National and State Grange publications
- Window cling identifying you as a Jefferson Grange Associate
- Subscription to National & State Grange quarterly magazines
- Discounted ad rates in National Grange's Good Day! magazine
- Peace of mind knowing you are supporting all our good work
- Additional opportunities for partnership and recognition
- ACT NOW: Add free Charter Member plan for extra recognition
Business Assoc./Year
325$Every yearSupport our work, be recognized for your generosity AND saveÂ- Save with one-time payment of annual dues
- Two free ads/year in our monthly e-newsletter to members
- Access to various money-saving Grange benefits
- 80% dues refund for businesses that offer member discounts
- Early notice & discounted vendor rates at Grange event
- Business name listed as Associate member on our website
- Window cling identifying you as a Jefferson Grange Associate
- Recognition in National and State Grange publications
- Subscription to National & State Grange quarterly magazines
- Peace of mind knowing you are supporting all our good work
- Additional opportunities for partnership and recognition
- ACT NOW: Add free Charter Member plan for extra recognition
Family App Fee
12.50$ÂFee covers entire household (see family plan description)ÂJunior Dues/Month
1$Every monthFraternal membership for individuals age 13 and youngerÂ- Ability to enter any local, state or national contests
- Access to attend PA State Junior Grange camp
- Mentoring and age-specific programming
- Recognition in National and State Grange publications
- A nationwide network of peers with similar values
- Supportive individuals who will assist with service projects
- National magazine subscription and chance to submit content
- ACT NOW: Add free Charter Member plan for extra recognition
Join: PaidPlans
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