Partner with Us
Grange members get discounts or benefits. You get extra exposure and great customers.
​Volunteers make our small towns great places to live - and with your support, we can improve their lives, too.
Jefferson Grange #1384 is so thankful for your generosity toward our members. Please use the form below to provide all details related to the benefit you are willing to offer our members.
Upon submitting, you will be asked to agree to the following terms and conditions:
I certify that I am authorized to make this agreement on behalf of the business listed.
I agree my business will honor the discount described through December 31, 2022, to Jefferson Grange members who present their discount card and photo ID (per your request upon purchase).
I allow the name and location of my business to be listed on the Member Benefit page of Jefferson Grange's website.
Again, thank you for making Southern Schuylkill a great place to live and allowing us to reward those who are doing the same!