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Starry Sky


Night Out

"A Night Under the Stars"
hosted by Jefferson Grange #1384

7 to 10 p.m.
April 9
Pioneer Evergreen Farms Banquet Center

159 E. Adamsdale Road, Orwigsburg

 to benefit the Suicide Prevention Task Force of Schuylkill County

Sparkly Dress
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Jefferson Grange will host a dance - an Adult Night Out themed "A Night Under the Stars" - for individuals age 21 and over with all proceeds benefiting the Suicide Prevention Task Force of Schuylkill County, a fiscal sponsor project of Schuylkill County's VISION on April 9 from 7-10 p.m. at Pioneer Evergreen Farm Banquet Center, 159 E. Adamsdale Road, Orwigsburg. 


Schuylkill County has the fourth-highest suicide rate in Pennsylvania, and the work of the Task Force to raise awareness about mental health and suicide prevention resources is funded by grants and donations of generous individuals. 


Tickets are $60 and include entry to the event and three adult-drink tickets. Black Rock Brewery products and local wine will be available, but all attendees must present valid ID at the door


Anyone can also support the cause by sponsoring a luminary in honor of someone lost to suicide for only $10. Luminaries will be displayed digitally at the event, on our website and, weather-permitting, will line the walkway to the event.


Ticket holders will be entitled to discounts at partner businesses for items and services, such as $25 "prom" hair styles at The Edge Salon and Spa in Schuylkill Haven and discounts on formalwear purchases from Special Moments Bridal Shop, Friedensburg.  Ticketholders will receive more details and ticket in order to cash in on discounts.


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